
When you`re browsing for a new home, you might come across a listing that says “For Sale Under Contract”. So, what does this term mean in real estate?

Simply put, “For Sale Under Contract” means that the seller has accepted an offer from a buyer, but the sale has not yet been finalized. A contract has been signed by both parties, and the property is temporarily off the market until the conditions of the contract are met.

Typically, the buyer will need to complete certain activities before the sale can be completed. For example, they may need to obtain financing or complete a home inspection. The terms of the contract will outline the specifics of what must be done before the sale can close.

The duration of the contract can vary depending on the terms agreed upon by both parties. It could be a few weeks or several months, but during this time the property is considered to be “under contract” and cannot be sold to another buyer.

In some cases, a home inspection or financing may reveal issues that cause the buyer to back out of the contract. This is known as a contingency, and it`s a common part of real estate contracts. Depending on the details of the contract, the seller may be able to keep the earnest money deposit if the buyer decides not to move forward.

If all conditions of the contract are met, the sale will proceed to closing. At this point, the buyer will pay the balance of the purchase price, and the seller will transfer ownership of the property.

So, why use the term “For Sale Under Contract” instead of simply “Sale Pending”? While both terms refer to a property that has an accepted offer, “For Sale Under Contract” emphasizes the fact that the sale is not yet completed and can still fall through due to contingencies.

In summary, “For Sale Under Contract” means that a seller has accepted an offer from a buyer, but the sale has not yet been finalized. The property is temporarily off the market until the conditions of the contract are met. If you`re interested in a property that`s under contract, you may still be able to make a backup offer in case the sale falls through.

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Craft Agreement Mean: Understanding The Concept

Craft agreement is a term used in the labor industry to refer to an agreement between an employer and employee or a group of employees which outlines the terms and conditions of employment. These agreements, often called collective bargaining agreements, are highly specific and are negotiated between labor unions and employers to establish rules and regulations for the employer-employee relationship.

The word “craft” in craft agreement refers to the specialized skill or trade of the workers covered in the agreement. Craft unions are formed by skilled workers in a particular industry, such as electricians, plumbers, and carpenters. The agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for workers in these unions, covering everything from wages, benefits, and working conditions to hours of work and overtime regulations.

Craft agreements are usually negotiated by the labor union and the employer, with both parties having a say in their terms. The contract is then signed by both parties and becomes the guiding document for the duration of the agreement. It is important to note that the agreement remains in effect until the expiration date, which is usually a set period, such as three or four years, after which it must be renegotiated.

Understanding the terms and conditions of a craft agreement is essential for both employers and employees. Employers need to ensure they are following the agreement`s guidelines to avoid any legal issues and to maintain a good working relationship with their employees. Similarly, employees need to understand the terms and conditions of the agreement to ensure that their rights are protected and that they are getting fair compensation for their work.

In conclusion, craft agreement refers to a collective bargaining agreement between employers and employees in specialized trades or industries. These agreements are highly specific and cover every aspect of the employer-employee relationship, including wages, benefits, hours of work, and working conditions. Understanding the terms and conditions of these agreements is crucial for both employers and employees to maintain a harmonious and productive working relationship.

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In the healthcare industry, physician assistants (PAs) are an important component of the healthcare team. PAs work closely with physicians to provide high-quality patient care. However, to ensure the safety and well-being of patients, PAs must operate under the supervision of a licensed physician.

This supervision is typically established through a physician assistant supervisory agreement (PASA). A PASA is a formal agreement between a physician and a PA that outlines the professional relationship between the two parties. It establishes the scope of the PA’s practice, outlines the physician’s supervisory responsibilities, and ensures that the PA operates within the legal and ethical boundaries of the healthcare profession.

PA supervisory agreements are regulated by state licensing boards and may vary depending on the state in which the PA practices. Generally, a PASA outlines the following:

Scope of practice: The PA’s scope of practice is defined by the supervising physician. The PASA should specify the medical procedures, treatments, and diagnostic tests that the PA is authorized to perform or order.

Supervisory responsibilities: The physician is responsible for supervising the work of the PA to ensure that the patient receives safe and effective care. The supervisory responsibilities of the physician include providing direction and guidance to the PA, reviewing medical charts and patient records, and making decisions regarding patient care.

Collaboration: The PASA should outline the expectations for collaboration between the PA and the physician. It should identify how often the physician and the PA will communicate with each other, as well as the process for consulting with one another regarding patient care.

Medical records: The PASA should specify how medical records should be maintained. The PA should ensure that all medical records accurately reflect the care provided and that they are kept confidential. The physician should verify the accuracy of the medical records and sign them when appropriate.

Termination: The PASA should outline the process for terminating the agreement. It should specify the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated and the notice that must be provided to the appropriate licensing boards.

In summary, a PASA is a legally binding agreement that outlines the professional relationship between a physician and a PA. It establishes the scope of the PA’s practice, outlines the physician’s supervisory responsibilities, and ensures that the PA operates within the legal and ethical boundaries of the healthcare profession. PAs and physicians should carefully review and understand the terms of their supervisory agreement to ensure that they provide safe, effective, and ethical patient care.

What I Learnt On 17th January in other years

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Rental Agreement Online Cost: Factors to Consider

In today`s digital age, more landlords and renters are turning to online platforms to streamline their rental agreement process. Online rental agreements offer a convenient and affordable solution to traditional paper-based rental agreements. However, the cost of rental agreement online services can vary widely depending on a number of factors. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when evaluating rental agreement online cost.

Type of Service Provider

Different types of rental agreement online service providers offer different pricing structures. Some providers charge a one-time fee while others charge a monthly subscription rate. Some providers offer a free basic plan with limited features, while others provide a comprehensive plan with all features for a higher fee. Determine what level of service you require and compare pricing from various providers to find the best fit for your needs.

Features and Capabilities

The pricing of rental agreement online services can vary greatly depending on the features and capabilities offered. Basic features include document editing tools, signature and date fields, and document storage. More advanced features, such as automated rental payment processing, tenant screening and background checks, and custom branding, can drive up the cost of the service. Determine which features are essential to your rental agreement process and evaluate different providers` pricing accordingly.

Number of Users

The number of users accessing your rental agreement service can also affect the cost. Most providers charge per user, so the more users you have, the higher the cost. Consider how many users will require access to your rental agreement service and compare the pricing tariffs from different providers accordingly.

Customization Options

Some landlords may require customized rental agreement forms and templates to suit their unique needs. This can include adding custom language, clauses and sections. If customization options are important to you, it may drive up the online rental agreement`s cost. Determine if customization is necessary for your rental agreement process and factor these additional costs into your budget.


Choosing a rental agreement online service can be a smart and cost-effective solution. By considering the factors mentioned above, you can compare the costs offered by different providers, determine the level of service you require, and find a provider that meets your needs and budget. Always keep in mind that the value-added features may come at an extra cost, so only pay for the features that your business needs to save money in the long run.

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Distribution agreements are a crucial part of any business that seeks to expand its reach, sell its products, and enter new markets. These agreements outline the terms and conditions of distribution, define the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved, and help to establish a strong business relationship between the distributor and the supplier.

A distribution agreement in Polish, or a “distribution agreement polski”, is a legal contract that is used to regulate the terms and conditions of distribution between a Polish distributor and a foreign supplier. This type of agreement is vital for any foreign business looking to expand into Poland as it lays out all the terms and conditions for the distribution process, making sure that both parties are aware of their rights and obligations.

When drafting a distribution agreement polski, it`s essential to make sure that all the critical points are covered, including the scope of the agreement, the terms of payment, the responsibilities of both parties, the terms of termination, and the governing law. While the process can be complex, it is essential to have a well-drafted agreement to prevent misunderstandings and disputes.

One of the most important aspects of a distribution agreement polski is the exclusivity clause. This clause outlines the rights and responsibilities of the distributor and sets out the distribution terms and conditions. It is common for distributors to ask for exclusive distribution rights, meaning that they have the sole right to distribute the supplier`s products in Poland. The exclusivity clause is vital because it determines the extent of the distributor`s commitment to the supplier, the scope of the distributor`s authority, and the expectations of both parties.

Another critical aspect of a distribution agreement polski is the payment terms. Suppliers need to understand the payment structure expected by Polish distributors. These terms should be clearly outlined in the agreement, including the payment frequency, payment method, and payment deadlines. It`s crucial to address any payment discrepancies upfront to avoid misunderstandings which can affect the business relationship.

Furthermore, it is essential to ensure that the distribution agreement polski is compliant with all legal and regulatory requirements. Working with a legal professional who knows the laws and regulations in Poland will go a long way in ensuring that the agreement is compliant.

In conclusion, a distribution agreement polski is an essential document that defines the relationship between a Polish distributor and a foreign supplier. It outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties, details the distribution terms, and ensures that both parties are aware of their obligations. Working with a legal professional experienced in drafting distribution agreements compliant with the laws and regulations in Poland is essential to the success of any business seeking to expand into the market.

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