Jan 17 2022

Physician Assistant Supervisory Agreement

In the healthcare industry, physician assistants (PAs) are an important component of the healthcare team. PAs work closely with physicians to provide high-quality patient care. However, to ensure the safety and well-being of patients, PAs must operate under the supervision of a licensed physician.

This supervision is typically established through a physician assistant supervisory agreement (PASA). A PASA is a formal agreement between a physician and a PA that outlines the professional relationship between the two parties. It establishes the scope of the PA’s practice, outlines the physician’s supervisory responsibilities, and ensures that the PA operates within the legal and ethical boundaries of the healthcare profession.

PA supervisory agreements are regulated by state licensing boards and may vary depending on the state in which the PA practices. Generally, a PASA outlines the following:

Scope of practice: The PA’s scope of practice is defined by the supervising physician. The PASA should specify the medical procedures, treatments, and diagnostic tests that the PA is authorized to perform or order.

Supervisory responsibilities: The physician is responsible for supervising the work of the PA to ensure that the patient receives safe and effective care. The supervisory responsibilities of the physician include providing direction and guidance to the PA, reviewing medical charts and patient records, and making decisions regarding patient care.

Collaboration: The PASA should outline the expectations for collaboration between the PA and the physician. It should identify how often the physician and the PA will communicate with each other, as well as the process for consulting with one another regarding patient care.

Medical records: The PASA should specify how medical records should be maintained. The PA should ensure that all medical records accurately reflect the care provided and that they are kept confidential. The physician should verify the accuracy of the medical records and sign them when appropriate.

Termination: The PASA should outline the process for terminating the agreement. It should specify the conditions under which the agreement may be terminated and the notice that must be provided to the appropriate licensing boards.

In summary, a PASA is a legally binding agreement that outlines the professional relationship between a physician and a PA. It establishes the scope of the PA’s practice, outlines the physician’s supervisory responsibilities, and ensures that the PA operates within the legal and ethical boundaries of the healthcare profession. PAs and physicians should carefully review and understand the terms of their supervisory agreement to ensure that they provide safe, effective, and ethical patient care.

What I Learnt On 17th January in other years

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