Apr 30 2014
Mediterranean Diet wins again!Diabetes Care. 2014 Apr 10. [Epub ahead of print]
The Effects of a Mediterranean Diet on Need for Diabetes Drugs and Remission of Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: Follow-up of a Randomized Trial – Esposito K1, Maiorino MI, Petrizzo M, Bellastella G, Giugliano D.
There can now be little doubt that we all need to move to Tuscany.
In this 8 year follow up of a previous study, the low carb Mediterranean Diet was very significantly more successful than a low-fat diet in delaying the need for diabetic medication and for causing remission of diabetes.
Participants following the low carb Mediterranean diet were instructed to include plenty of vegetables, choose whole grain versions of starchy foods, replace most red meat with poultry and fish, and have at least 30% of their calories from fat, particularly from olive oil.