Jun 07 2021

Happy Western Australia Day

It’s the first Monday in June, so it’s Western Australia Day, a public holiday here in Perth.

Western Australia occupies about a third of Australia’s land mass, one tenth of the population (2.6m), and produces about half of Australia’s exports.

It was first settled about 60000 years ago. The Nyoongar are the traditional owners of Perth and the South West.

Western Australia was claimed for the British crown in 1827 and the Swan River Colony was established in 1829 in what is now Perth. This is the event that is commemorated on Western Australia Day.

Some notes from our guides –

Everything is bigger and better in the West

‘Kings Park’ is the biggest park in the world, bigger than Central Park

Fremantle is one of the second busiest ports in the world.

Optus Stadium is the best new stadium in the world. I think this is correct

Don’t feed the Quokkas as they will die a slow, painful, horrible death. Jeez

Happy WA Day!


What I Learnt On 7th June in other years

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