May 27 2011

Alstonville gets Bypass Surgery

They say that all news is local, but some is more local than others.

There were celebrations in Alstonville today with the official opening of the much anticipated Alstonville Bypass – after a 40 year wait and a 40 million dollar spend.


Will checks the sunset over the new bypass.

Alstonville is was on the Bruxner Highway, at the midpoint between Lismore and Ballina. This meant that up to 15,000 cars, trucks and Double-bs had to negotiate the iconic Giant Walking Frame and the narrow main street each day.


Ballina may have its big prawn……

The need for a bypass was recognized in the 1970s – the route was determined and the land set aside. Every state and federal election since, each side has promised that the Alstonville bypass would be funded. Must have been a non-core promise.

Eventually, the Bypass Action Group, lead by Bob ‘Mahatama’ Wilson, organized a campaign of civil disobedience. During morning peak hour, a flotilla of our more mobile residents marched back and forth across the crossing in Main St, accompanied by their respective walking sticks, wheely walkers or forearm support frames. Havoc prevailed for through traffic. You can image how delighted the Lembke children were to be included in the photo of the event published in the Northern Star.


Civil Disobedience – Alstonville takes a stand

The pressure was too much, and after her election in Kevin 07, new member Janelle Saffin secured the requisite funding, to her very great credit.

And today the town celebrates the first day of being bypassed. It’s a bit quiet without all that compression braking.


What I Learnt On 27th May in other years

27th May 2012 SpotifySpotify

2 Responses to “Alstonville gets Bypass Surgery”

  1. sharyn White says:

    Now the wheely walker brigade gets to block the single lane by going 60 in a 100 zone. Where’s the extra lanes?

  2. Tony Lembke says:

    <html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div>Hey Sharon, that was me that you were driving behind. I was just admiring the rural view!<br></div><div><br></div></body></html>

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