Apr 28 2011
Guerilla Gardening and the Royal WeedingGuerilla Gardeners have declared war on the urban landscape. In disguise, under cover, armed with specialised equipment, they are laying un-waste to desolate plots and barren corners in our cities.
Guerrilla gardening – gardening without permission.
Richard Reynolds is the godfather of Guerilla Gardening in London, and his site guerillagardening.org has lots of tips and resources.
Pothole gardening is a speciality sub-craft. There are no shortage of potential pothole plots to decorate – as the potholegardnener.com demonstrates in his blog.
You may like to note two big days coming up in the Guerilla Gardening World.
Tomorrow, April 29th is a public holiday in the UK. It is a day for celebration – Royal Weeding Day.
Then May1st is International Sunflower Guerilla Gardening Day.
Do your bit to add some colour to your neighbourhood.
(Any guerilla gardeners who are at a loss for things to do are welcome to visit our garden to participate in the Royal Weeding)