Dec 24 2011

Awesome! Vintage Christmas Specials.


For Rosi and I, Christmas wasn’t Christmas without Rudolph or Frosty on TV .

1000 Awesome Things also thinks its Awesome to be flipping through the TV channels and come across an old favourite christmas special.

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, a stop motion classic, came out in 1964.

The character Rudolph was created in 1939. The story, written by Robert May, was given away as a colouring book by a large department store chain. His brother-in-law wrote a song about the red nosed reindeer, and Gene Autrey sold 2.5 million copies in 1949. Until the 1980s it was the second biggest song of all time.


The song the Little Drummer Boy was written in 1941, and popularised by the Von Trapp family singers (The Sound of Music) in 1955. The stop motion Christmas story was made in1968,


The song Frosty the Snowman was written to follow up on the success of theRudolph song for Gene Autry, and was a hit the following Xmas (1950). The stop motion Christmas special was made in 1969


and Santa Claus is Coming to Town, made in 1970, was also based on a Xmas song (1934)

Maybe you preferred Peanuts?


Or a Very Brady Christmas?


What is your favourite Christmas special?

Happy Christmas to all!

2 Responses to “Awesome! Vintage Christmas Specials.”

  1. Rosie says:

    Miracle on 34th Street

  2. Rosi Rabbit says:

    I think you nailed it TL. Although I am reliving the experience now with Hugs and Tubs. Some things never go out of fashion.PS they have yet to find the brady bunch, but we will see what we can do.

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