Mar 15 2016

Did you get the sauna rocks?

sauna_rocks300 Krona for sauna rocks?
Tell them they’re dreaming.
Good times in Sweden.

Hej hej Kenny and Alex

What I Learnt On 15th March in other years

15th March 2012 An Apple a Day....An Apple a Day….

One Response to “Did you get the sauna rocks?”

  1. website says:

    what you are saying is igneous rocks, not sedimentarhy. I get mine from a gravel pit a mile from where I grew up, and if unsure, knock them together. Bouncing may not work all the time. The other thing is you are not really supposed to take rocks from BWCAW, although it is done. Lots of good choices outside of area, and most people are happy to have you take them.

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