Jun 06 2011

Lions and iClouds: News from the Black Skivvy


What’s new at Apple?

Steve Jobs donned the black skivvy tonight and presented the keynote to the Apple World Wide Developers Conference. This is always a highly anticipated event as it is one of the forums where Apple let’s us know what it has been working on and is ready to release.

So what did Steve announce?

1) Lion will be the next lease of the Apple Operating System for the Mac (10.7), and will be available through the Apple Mac Store in July for $30. It has ‘more than 200’ new features to make working on a Mac smoother.

2) iOS 10.5 will be releases in our Spring. This is the next version of the operating system for iPhones and iPads, and also offers ‘more than 200’ improvements, including a new notification system. iPhones will no longer have to be synced to a computer, as they do now.

And the big news was

3) iCloud. It is well known that Apple has built a huge data centre in North Carolina. All users of iMacs, iPhone and iPads will be able to have their important data, documents, photos and music automatically backed up to the ‘iCloud’, and it will then be available on all their computers and Macs. It is a giant shared hard drive available anywhere.

One cool thing about iDrive is that you don’t have to upload your music. If a song is in your library (either because you purchased it on iTunes or because you ripped it off a CD), iCloud will register that you own it, and link to it’s own version of that song. That way, every song you own is always available on all your computers and iPhones.

More information at Macworld 

What I Learnt On 6th June in other years

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