Apr 09 2011

Straight to the Pool Room – The Mancave

mancave n. A dedicated area of a house, such as a basement, workshop, or garage, where a man can be alone or socialize with his friends.

Social catastrophe may be just around the corner. Modern houses may have 5 bedrooms, four bedrooms, a living room, dining room, a kids room, four bathrooms, and a home theatre – but they have no backyard and therefore no backyard shed. As the great philosopher, John Williamson, says “Every man needs a shed”.

I remember the father of my friend Paul received a plaque on his retirement that read

‘Watch TV, Sleep a Lot,
Lead a Life That’s Lazy.
Mope around the House all day,
Drive your poor wife crazy”

Wives – you should insist that your husband builds his own special place before its too late.

mancavesite.org is dedicated to celebrating the ‘mancave’ in all its forms. And there sure are some interesting forms!

In my research, I have discovered some common mancave elements.(there are no surprises here)

  • A display of sporting memorablia
  • A dedicated interest in beer 
  • A collection of games – pinball, video games, darts and/or pool
  • A large screen TV

Here is a random selection of mancaves to give you some ideas.


Now that I’m inspired, “Tellembugrum”, our shed, could make a humble start. I’ll have some work on convincing the rest of the family.


Have you got a mancave? Or seen any exemplars? Let us know in the comments.


One Response to “Straight to the Pool Room – The Mancave”

  1. Our advice? Build the Tellembugrum Man Cave, and the good times will follow. Cheers!

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