Sep 18 2016

When is a Schooner not a Schooner? Beer glass sizes in Australia

Aussie-Beer-GlassesWhen is a Schooner not a Schooner?

When it is a midi.

On a recent trip to South Australia (Happy Birthday Rosi), I was reminded that you have to do your homework before ordering a beer in different Australian states if you don’t want to look like a knob.

For example, don’t ask for a midi in Melbourne – that will identify you immediately as being from across the border. . Ask for a pot, instead. And they’ll also look at you askance if you ask for a schooner in either Melbourne or Perth.

And in Adelaide, if you want a midi, ask for a  schooner. If you want a schooner, ask for a pint. If you want a pint, ask for an Imperial Pint. Good grief.

Ever mindful of our community service obligations, we present this handy table.


Names of beer glasses in various Australian cities
Capacity Sydney Canberra Darwin Brisbane Adelaide Hobart Melbourne Perth
115 ml (4 fl oz) small beer foursie shetland
140 ml (5 fl oz) pony pony pony horse/pony pony
170 ml (6 fl oz) six (ounce) small glass bobbie/six
200 ml (7 fl oz) seven seven seven (ounce) butcher seven (ounce) glass glass
285 ml (10 fl oz) middy half pint / middy handle pot schooner ten (ounce)/pot pot middy/half pint
350 ml (12 fl oz) schmiddy
425 ml (15 fl oz) schooner schooner schooner schooner pint fifteen / schooner schooner schooner
570 ml (20 fl oz) pint pint pint pint imperial pint pint pint pint

  1. Entries in bold are common.
  2. Entries in italics are old-fashioned or rare.

(hat tip to Wikipedia)

What I Learnt On 18th September in other years

18th September 2013 The Power of Words
18th September 2011 Wine TalkingWine Talking

2 Responses to “When is a Schooner not a Schooner? Beer glass sizes in Australia”

  1. why they’ll also look at you askance if you ask for a schooner in either Melbourne or Perth?

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