

Each day learn something new, and just as important, relearn something old. – Robert Brault.

Since I spent today sorting out my office at home, I thought it timely to review David Allen’s system for efficiency called ‘Getting Things Done’.

The first stage is to collect all your physical and mental stuff together into an inbox (or, more usually, a number of inboxes).

This collection is then sorted according to the GTD rules – which includes recording ‘next actions’ in a context sensitive way. That means, recording everything you need to do when you are at work, at home, using email, using a phone etc.

David Allen calls it the art of ‘stress-free productivity’. It is stress free because at any given time you know everything that you need to do, and can prioritise appropriately. You don’t have bagging doubts that there is something else you really should be doing right now.

I’ve posted about this before at

GTD involves getting all the ‘stuff’ out of your head and stored in a system where you can be sure it will be dealt with. Stuff is “anything you have allowed into your psychological or physical world that doesn’t belong where it is, but for which you haven’t yet determined the desired outcome and the next action step.” Stuff includes all the ‘open loops’ in our lives – incomplete projects, reports, meetings, ideas, plans, commitments, tasks etc. We all spend so much time running around with all this ‘stuff’ in our heads that there’s no room for anything else. The answer is to get this stuff into a trusted system.

David Allen recommends that we systematically decide what ‘Next Action’ should be taken on each bit of stuff, and put these ‘Next Actions’ in context based lists. And review the lists regularly.

There was a long discussion of GTD and an interview with David Allen in Wired Magazine.

A search for GTD on the google has 4 million results. The best way of getting started in GTD is reading David Allen’s book, ‘Getting Things Done’, which for some reason was published in Australia as ‘How to Get Things Done”.
David Allen’s website is at

Have fun collecting your stuff!

What I Learnt On 6th January in other years

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Drinking boutique beers is all well and good, but sometimes you just can’t find an opener when you need one.
Carlsberg promote this as the best beer ad in the world. It perhaps is the most useful.

What I Learnt On 4th January in other years

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TUAW reports:

The iPhonECG is a sleek, low power case that turns the iPhone 4 into a wireless, clinical quality cardiac event recorder. It was invented by Dr. David Albert, a self-described “serial entrepreneur and inventor who happens to be an engineer and a physician with 30 years in cardiology.” Dr. Albert sold his last company, Data Critical, to GE Medical Systems, where he then worked as Chief Scientist of GE Cardiology.

Albert’s goal was to make heart monitoring affordable both for chronic heart patients and third world caregivers. Instead of devices costing tens of thousands, he wanted to make a device anyone could afford.

It is planned to introduce the device for about $100. Software Development is taking place at the Gold Coast.

The YouTube video of the iPhoneECG has ‘gone viral’.

The device if pending FDA approval before going on sale. You can register your interest in updates about the iPhonECG at AliveCor.

Is this going to be even 10% as good as a regular ECG machine?

Dr. Albert says “I say, no, it’s 100% as good. In fact, it’s better than many of the cardiac event recorders that are out there. I know — I’ve made them. This can be a global device, bringing cardiac event recording to remote places that never had it, at a price even they can afford.”


What I Learnt On 4th January in other years

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Flipboard has become part of my morning routine.

Flipboard bills itself as your personalised ‘social magazine’.

The content of the magazine is determined by you – you decide what to put in each of the Flipboard panels. You can include your favourite web sites (via RSS feeds), the people you follow on twitter, and your facebook page.

The Flipboard interface uses the full potential of the iPad to display the stories in a most engaging way. It really does look spectacular and is a delight to use.

Some publishers – including Lonely Planet, All Things Digital and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition (!) – have produced special Flipboard content that adds more display options. Flipboard also provides some recommended reading panels as default options.

Flipboard was judged by Apple to be the App of 2010. It is a free download from the App Store iPad App Link

What I Learnt On 2nd January in other years

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It is a daily pleasure to see how much detail Jessica Hagy can express about a concept using just a simple diagram

Your face will surely show it.

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What I Learnt On 2nd January in other years

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