

Many HSC and Uni subjects test essay writing skills as much as they test subject content.

Success is not based on what you have learned, or your intuitive understanding of a subject, or your depth of knowledge, but on how well you can answer a specific question in a very short amount of time, according to an accepted framework.

This is where the Australian firm ‘The Research Den‘ steps in.

Director Bronwyn Hall has a degree in Social Science and a Masters in Anthropology, but now specialises in assisting HSC and Univeristy students to write better essays. She has published two books, ‘The Night Before Essay Planner’ (that sounds up my alley) and ‘The High School Essay Planner’, and her site provides a number of resources to assist organised people and crammers alike.

The Research Den‘ can also provide individual assistance for a particularly troublesome project.

And now ‘The Night Before Essay Planner‘ is available as an iPhone app, providing a practical ‘workbook’ to guide your essay so that it’s on time and on the money.

Essay Planner - The Research Den

(Oliver, sounds like you need this before Tuesday)

As Merlin Mann says, “Buying new running shows is more fun than actually running


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Apple has just released its financials statements for the June quarter.

The company has $76.2 billion dollars in cash

The US treasury updates its financials daily. The government has an operating cash balance of $73.8 billion

You, astute reader, will note that Apple has more cash than the US government.

As Business Insider points out, this is because Apple collects more money than it spends, while the US government does not.

Business Insider points out some other ‘mind melting’ facts from the Apple June Quarter Statement.

  • Apples Revenue grows 82% year after year – this is astounding for what is already the worlds biggest tech company.
  • Net profit for the quarter was up 125% ($7.3 billion)
  • Apple earn more in this quarter than in the whole of 2008
  • 20.3 million iPhones and 9.3 million iPads were sold in that quarter. There are now 220,000,000 iOS devices in the world.

Bugger. Should have bought a house at Wategoes and shares in Apple years ago.





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What’s your style?

Slow and steady, like Stephen King, who writes 10 pages a day, every day.

Do you ask yourself questions, like Ben Franklin – “What good will I do today?”

Start early, like Sylvia Plynth, who began writing at 4 am.

Make it personal, like Richard Branson, or decide quickly, like Bill Gates, or focus on your opposition, like Harold Ibsen?

Perhaps you manage on artificial stimulants, like Paul Erdos. “A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems”

Or perhaps you let off steam by shooting a peasant first thing each morning, like King Otto of Bavaria.

Lifehack has an extensive list

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Here’s a tip. Before you purchase your next billboard, check what the sign next to it is advertising.

The Fail Blog has a collection of unfortunate billboard juxtapositions.


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If you can’t beat em……..

Join em

How To Speak  New Zillund At The World Rugby Cup.

RUCK:                           Abbrev. of Richard , a popular boys name.

BULL:                            What you play the game with.

TICKLE:                         Bringing another player to the ground.

SICKENED FIVE:                 Positioned after the 1st  5.

AND THUMB:                   National song – sung before the match.

PECK:                          The eight forwards involved in a scrum.

BACKS:                        Abbrev. of Rebecca, a popular girls name.

PASH NUT:                     Love of the game.

SKULLS:                         Ball handling ability.

MAUL:                              Where you going shopping.

GULL:                            Points scored by kicking.

ROUGH:                           Umpire of the game.

TROY:                              Worth 5 points.

 KETCH;                            Receiving the ball.

Hat Tip to Suellen

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