
Every Mother’s Day, we would ask my mother why there was no official Kid’s Day.

“Because”, she would say, “every day is kid’s day”.

She was right, of course.

Apparently, yesterday was International Beer Day.

“Hey”, I hear you say, “I thought every day was International Beer Day”

There you go. August 5th. Put it in your diary.

In case you missed ‘IBD’ yesterday, here is our selection of top beer ads.

Carlton – Flashbeer  (go Aaron)

Hahn Light

Carlton -a Big Ad

Guiness -Evolution

Bud Light


Guiness – The Surfer

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OK, who did that. I know it was one of you.


Imagine the havoc you could wreak at work with a missile launcher that you control remotely over the internet.

Dream Cheeky has just the weapon you need.

Office warfare has gone global. The Storm O.I.C. (Over Internet Control) Missile Launder has a built-in webcam that lets you search and destroy your target from 6000 miles away, or across the room. Control the launcher through your messaging program from anywhere in the world, or seriously confuse your targets by handing over command capabilities to anyone on your buddy list. Nothing is more effective for thoroughly annoying your office mates. Armed with four foam missiles and capable of shooting in automatic rotation up to 25 feet in any direction. Ideal for all you busy-doing-nothing timewasters.

Ouch. Get yours while the Australian dollar still works.

What I Learnt On 5th August in other years

5th August 2012 Usain and MeUsain and Me
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New Scientist reports on .NET gadgeteer, a set of electrical components you can use to build an MP3 player, camera, or arcade cabinet.

At the heart of the kit is a main circuit board with an embedded processor and a variety of sockets that can be linked with other .NET Gadgeteer modules. These include a touchscreen, a camera, LEDs, buttons, and USB and SD card interfaces, all of which can be slotted together like electronic Lego without the need for soldering.

New Scientist recommends that you complete your new gadget by building a case using 3D printing.

We don’t often feature products from Redmond in this blog, but since they have ‘open sourced’ the software that controls all the components, we’ll give them a cheer today.

I’m off to build a robot. Danger, Will Robinson.

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Do you sometimes feel that your job is more about attending meetings then actually doing the real work?

Do you find meetings productive and inspiring?

Seth Godin’s Domino Project has been a publishing sensation since its launch earlier this year.

The latest title ‘Read this before our next meeting’ was released today. The book is a manifesto for how ‘modern meetings’ should be conducted.

I pre-ordered it for the special price of $7.99. But for the next one week you can download it for Kindle (on Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad or Kindle) for the even specialer price of $0.00.…

What can you lose, apart from bad meetings.

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So, you want to become a writer. trains journalists.

Their 50 writing tools can be downloaded as a PDF free of charge, or you can listen to the complete series of 50 podcasts available through the iTunes university.

I think that this post would have been better if I had paid more attention to Tip 39

39. Write toward an ending. Help readers close the circle of meaning.

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