
What’s your style?

Slow and steady, like Stephen King, who writes 10 pages a day, every day.

Do you ask yourself questions, like Ben Franklin – “What good will I do today?”

Start early, like Sylvia Plynth, who began writing at 4 am.

Make it personal, like Richard Branson, or decide quickly, like Bill Gates, or focus on your opposition, like Harold Ibsen?

Perhaps you manage on artificial stimulants, like Paul Erdos. “A mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems”

Or perhaps you let off steam by shooting a peasant first thing each morning, like King Otto of Bavaria.

Lifehack has an extensive list

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Here’s a tip. Before you purchase your next billboard, check what the sign next to it is advertising.

The Fail Blog has a collection of unfortunate billboard juxtapositions.


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If you can’t beat em……..

Join em

How To Speak  New Zillund At The World Rugby Cup.

RUCK:                           Abbrev. of Richard , a popular boys name.

BULL:                            What you play the game with.

TICKLE:                         Bringing another player to the ground.

SICKENED FIVE:                 Positioned after the 1st  5.

AND THUMB:                   National song – sung before the match.

PECK:                          The eight forwards involved in a scrum.

BACKS:                        Abbrev. of Rebecca, a popular girls name.

PASH NUT:                     Love of the game.

SKULLS:                         Ball handling ability.

MAUL:                              Where you going shopping.

GULL:                            Points scored by kicking.

ROUGH:                           Umpire of the game.

TROY:                              Worth 5 points.

 KETCH;                            Receiving the ball.

Hat Tip to Suellen

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31 year old pom Derek Paravicini is profoundly abled.

Sure, he can’t do up buttons on his shirt, doesn’t know how old he is, and has been blind since birth.

But he can play the piano beautifully – and he can play any song he has ever heard, in any key, in any style.

Derek took up the piano aged 3, and has been performing internationally since he was very young.

CBS 60 minutes had this story on his immense musicality.

Hat tip to Dave for the link.

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Apparently there has been some weather in Sydney this week.

The BBC were impressed by this waterfall flowing uphill.

Reminds me of Will’s favourite poem.


By Robert Pottle

Sure is windy out today.

There goes my hat. It blew away.

At least I’ve got my glasses on.

Oh no! Where are they? Darn they’re gone.

And now I’m getting quite a scare,

atop my head there is no hair!

This fate is worse than all my fears.

The wind just blew off both my ears!

Oh no, I must… I must… ACHOO.

My nose is gone ’cause off it flew!

Excuse me now, I have to cough.

Goodness me my wips fwew off!

Wifout my wips it’s hahd to tawk.

Escuse me as I take a wawk.



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