Jan 18 2011
AppSpin: BeachsafeTaking Surf Life Saving Australia’s App ‘Beachsafe’ for a spin.
Tropical Cyclone Zelda brought some big waves to the Sunshine Coast last weekend.
All five points from Noosa (heading east) were ‘working’ with their famous right hand rolling waves.
Each point was packed with hundreds of surfers.
The hot weather, after weeks of rain (and floods), brought thousands to the beaches.
The water rolling in with the big waves had to get out somehow, and so there were rapids sweeps and strong rips.
Lifesavers expected a big weekend, and it was. However, I doubt they were expecting to have to pull a catfish out of a dumped surfer’s back.
There are 12,000 beaches in Australia. Which gets us to the new app created by Surf Lifesaving Australia called Beachsaver.
It uses the nationwide database of all Australia’s surf clubs, and has detailed information on the beaches near where you are, when they are patrolled, the daily weather and surf conditions, and general information about each beach, how hazardous it is, and where to swim.
The app is easy to use, presents relevant information clearly, and is a excellent example of the power of networked databases.
The information in Beach Safety is also available from http://beachsafe.org.au
The app is a free download from the App Store