Jun 21 2015
FitzJones and the FezTones do the Lismore Lantern FestivalLismore is to FitzJones and the Feztones as Hamburg is to the Beatles.
We have obtained rare archival video and audio footage of the acclaimed jazz ensemble ‘FJ and the FT’. The venue is the main stage at the Lismore Lantern Parade, the year is 2015 – a few years before the boys shot to international stardom. We have chronicled this winter solstice celebration in a 2012 post on this blog..
“Take Five” is the highest selling jazz composition of all time. It was composed by Paul Desmond, and performed by The Dave Brubeck Quartet on their 1959 album Time Out. (Paul Desmond played Sax and Dabe Brubeck played piano). It is composed in the rarely used quintuple (5/4) time – hence the name.
Killing it!