Sep 08 2014

Mailbox for Mac

Mailbox is an innovative mail client for iOS that had an enormous impact when it was released last year.

I remember being 500,000th in line for an invitation to be a beta tester.

Mailbox makes it easier to achieve Inbox Zero – that sweet spot where your inbox is empty of all messages. This doesn’t happen often, but if you use your Inbox as a To Do list it is wonderful to achieve.

Mailbox allows you to snooze your incoming messages, and have them pop back into your Inbox when they are needed. This is a feature I use all the time. For example, you can have flight and meeting details arrive back in your Inbox on the day that you will need them. 

I have had a flirtation with Mail Pilot. It also has the snooze function, and takes the ‘Inbox as To Do List’ to another level. It has a gorgeous interface, and is now available for Mac, iPhone and iPad. However, I have become frustrated by its frequent crashes and slow upgrade program. 

I switched to Airplane, which has excellent integration with three of my other must-have apps Evernote, Fantastic and Things. However, it is Mac only, and lacked the ability to send messages into the future

Mailbox has been purchased by DropBox, and has very recently been released in a Mac version. This is good timing for me.

Mailbox for Mac incorporates the Snooze features found in the  iOS version. I think it is terrific and I am now a Mailbox on all devices advocate. I’ll be happier when it integrates with my other apps a bit better.

You can download a beta version of Mailbox for Mac here. You will need a special token to use them – and I have three that I am happy to send to the first readers to contact me in the  comments below.

What I Learnt On 8th September in other years

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