

Do you want to look 10 years younger?

You could 

exercise 45 minutes each day, drink more water and less alcohol, eat much less and stay out of the sun at all times.

Or you could

schedule a regular visit with the beautician, and purchase a cabinet full of anti-aging potions specially designed by a major scientific centre of excellence such as the Ponds Institute.

You could even

visit a cosmetic surgeon and undergo a series of painful injections,lifts and tucks.

Or you could

continue with your dissolute lifestyle, while spending a few hours becoming an expert on Photoshop.

Photoshop allows you to modify and retouch photographs in many different ways.

For example, compare this same photo of a random happy couple before photoshop filters were applied…..


and after photoshop has done its stuff……..


Photoshop is expensive. You can download a free Photoshop 30-day trial from Adobe.

On the Mac, I use Pixelmator whenever I need to combine a lyrebird with Weird Al Yancovic. Pixelmator is available from the pixelmator web site.

There is also an open source, fully featured,cross platform, free version of Photoshop called GIMP which is available for Mac, Windows and Linux.

This is what I learnt today. Our friends at Lifehacker have recently featured a complete guide to the basics (and beyond) of photoshop.

The Lifehacker Complete Guide to Photoshop includes:

Feel free to send in photos of the new improved you!

What I Learnt On 25th March in other years

25th March 2013 Alfabeto Medico
25th March 2012 Didja Havagoodweegend?Didja Havagoodweegend?
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See How to Learn New Stuff Part 1


Can a system help you remember everything you have ever learnt?

In a previous WILT article, we learnt that testing yourself early was the best way to make sure you can recall new information.

But registering information in the library of your mind is only the first part of the story. How can you ensure that you can find that information when you need it – weeks, months or years afterwards? How can you burn it deep into long term memory, and still be able to recall it readily.

In 1885, the German scientist Hermann Ebbinghaus published a monograph called Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology, which included discussion of  ‘the spacing effect’ – it is possible to increase learning by correctly spacing practice sessions.

The best time to revise something is just before you are about to forget it – do it earlier than that and your effort is wasted, do it later than that and you are back to first base.

There is an optimal time period for each person to first revise new learnings (a few days)  and another longer period for a second revision (about a week) and longer again for a third revision (a few weeks) and so on.

Polish Professor Piotr Wozniak has devoted his life to learning in this systematized way,

In 2005 he was featured in a fascinating Wired Magazine article by Gary Wolf.

So, here is the WILT take on how to learn new things – 

1 When first introduced to new information, test your recall immediately and then again some minutes later, as described in our previous discussion. This process will produce a written question and answer – which it is important to keep.

2 Test yourself again on that information 3 days later, which is when you where just about to forget it.(if you can’t remember, relearn it and test again in 3 days. If you can, move to Step 3)

3. Test your recall again 1 week later.(if you can’t remember, relearn it and move back to Step 2. If you can, move to Step 4)

4. Test your recall again 1 month later.(if you can’t remember, learn it and move back to Step 2. If you can, move to Step 5)

5, Test again 3 months later.

How can you keep track of all this?


You could use a Tickler filing system for storing your future revision material in the right place, as described by David Allen in Getting Things Done. Instructions are available free on his web site, and elaborated on at

Or you could use a computer program to keep track of it all.

Professor Wozniak developed software called Supermemo to organize his learning. It has been available for Windows for some years, is now available online, and has recently been adapted for iPhone and iPad.These are the perfect devices for this purpose.

The basic program is free online or a free download from the iTunes store. You can use it to create your own courses, entering questions to test yourself in a number of formats.

You can also purchase language courses, including Chinese which at the moment is available at a half price $12.99. (you can download a demo with some basic courses for free)

Supermemo is a patient teacher. It will ask you the same questions every few days until you know the answer, and then ask you again to check your recall it at extended intervals. It never gets an exasperated look on it’s face the way I do when I’m helping the kids with Math’s homework.

We often think that a genius is born, not created. Not according to Piotr Wozniak. Gary Wolf reports that this is his prescription for becoming a genius.

“His advice was straightforward yet strangely terrible: You must clarify your goals, gain knowledge through spaced repetition, preserve health, work steadily, minimize stress, refuse interruption, and never resist sleep when tired. This should lead to radically improved intelligence and creativity.”

How do you best learn things? Do you have experience with learning systems? Your comments welcome below.

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What you need for Uni : Part Two


Is there something you need to remember?

Evernote is the king of note taking apps.

Evernote allows you to –

  • Type your lecture notes in Evernote. 
  • Take a photo of a Powerpoint slide. (the text is recognised by the app, so you can search for it later)
  • Record a voice message ( and have it converted to text)
  • Clip and save a webpage or email

Evernote is available for Mac, iPhone, iPad and Windows. You can create as many notebooks as you need. All the Notes you take are stored ‘in the cloud’, which means every device on which you have Evernote is automatically ‘synced’. So take a photo on your iPhone, and it is available immediately on your iPad and MacBook. Take lecture notes with your iPad, and they will be available on your iMac back in your room.

I use Evernote extensively, especially for ‘What I Learnt Today’. For example, I can dictate an idea I hear in the car and know that it will be available wherever I need it. Or start an article on my iPad at Il Portino, edit at work, and post it from home that night.

There is a video which acts as an introduction to Evernote. There are also a number of plug-ins and attachments that add capability available from ‘the trunk‘. For example, Voice2Note will convert your dictated spoken voice notes into text.

What’s more, Evernote is free!

Evernote - Evernote A completely new version of the Evernote iPhone app was released yesterday.

 It is available in the iTunes App Store as is the iPad version.

You can download Mac and PC versions from the Evernote site.


What I Learnt On 4th March in other years

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Feb 26 2011



BoxWorld is a spectacular miniature city made almost entirely from recycled materials. 

It was created by Tasmanian model maker and environmentalist, Warren Thomas, and has been over twelve years in the making. It is ‘on tour’, and until March 12th it is installed at the Lismore Regional Art Gallery. We took the opportunity to visit BoxWorld today.

Thomas was originally inspired to create BoxWorld after a visit to a travelling display by Lego Land. Unable to afford or justify the use of plastic Lego blocks, Thomas started using milk cartons and cereal boxes for his display instead. Thomas is a firm believer in the three Rs: Reduce, Re-Use and Recycle. BoxWorld is the antithesis of glistening commercialism, which lures us to spend money beyond our means. It transforms everyday waste into something intriguing and is made of materials which are mostly free.

After coming up with the idea for BoxWorld, Thomas was drawn into the process of making it and the model grew. A city emerged organically, building by building, street by street. The installation is not based on any real city, but it includes elements found in most cities such as skyscrapers, a football ground, swimming pool, airport, hospital and various shops, factories, roads and traffic.

Only a subset of the full ‘BoxWorld’ is on display in the Lismore Gallery. In its entirety, it would cover a whole tennis court.

Entry to the gallery in Lismore is free.

Will thought that the BoxWorld display was amazing. “You have to admire the perseverance of the artist”

Millie thought it was cool. “I wish I could shrink so that I could visit the city”.

After Lismore, it is off to Warwick and then Geelong. You can check out more information at the BoxWorld site.

While on the subject of Minature Worlds, there is a photographic technique called ‘TiltShift’ that makes photos of real cities look like they are photos of minature worlds.

There are a couple of iPhone apps that can do this semi-automatically. If you are interested, have a look at TiltShift by Michael Krause

TiltShift - Michael Krause



What I Learnt On 26th February in other years

26th February 2012 Hidden in Plain ViewHidden in Plain View
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In 1988, at age 22, Lieutenant Will Carling became the youngest ever captain of the English Rugby team. In all he played 72 test, 59 as captain, and lead the side to four Five Nation championships.

He was the unsuccessful captain in the 1991 world cup final at Twickenham.

You won’t find Will Carling in this photo.


As a rugby player, he has had quite the celebrity status. At one time the press linked him romantically with Lady Di. Today, 14 years after his retirement, he has 45,000 followers on Twitter. (warne888 has 325,000 followers. Between warne888, willcarling and tlembke we have 370,003 altogether.)

Last Tuesday, these twitter followers were entertained to a blow by blow account of Will’s pursuit of a person who had absconded with an iPad he left behind on a train.

Using the ‘Find My iPhone‘ service in MobileMe, he was able to track the culprit to their apartment block. ‘Find My iPhone‘ is available free online and also as an iPhone or iPad app. It tracks the location of an iPhone and displays it on a google map. (Unfortunately, it can only pinpoint location within a few metres. It is not accurate enough to tell you that the phone is in the back pocket of the pants you wore last week and are now in the bottom of the dirty clothes basket)

WIth ‘Find My iPhone‘ you can send messages to your missing iPhone/iPad, tell it to make noises so you can find it in your home, remote lock it, or remote wipe it (if it is stolen).

The UK’s Daily Telegraph completes the story using Will’s tweets- 

The drama begin after Mr Carling left the portable device on a train on Tuesday.

Using ..’Find My iPhone’.., he narrowed the location of the thief. He then door-knocked 18 doors and left letters appealing for the thief to give back his iPad, but had no success.

“On an adventure! Left my iPad on train yesterday, Doh! Have now tracked it down to a building in Woking. On my way! Could be interesting!,” he tweeted.

“Used the Mobile me tracker. It is in a block of flats! Managed to get in & knock on all 18 doors! No answer surprisingly. So left notes :-O.”

But then the situation took a dramatic turn after he saw that the thief had fled to the local train station, in a situation he described as “like Enemy of the State”, in reference to the Hollywood movie staring Will Smith.

Mr Carling then called police, where he became involved in a “priceless” conversation with the operator, who was clearly a fan.

“The olice (sic) have been notified. So all go in the iPad rescue. Cracking line from the Police lady who was talking to me about old rugby players … priceless :),” he wrote.

He then continued: “Can’t believe this. Mobile me is now showing my iPad near the station round the back of some shops- has it been dumped???”

“Just sent the moving iPad a message telling them they are being tracked! quoted Police crime reference. Shall update soon…..

“The iPad was locked, so they will not know whose it is (unless they have hacked in!) so watching it moving as I type…..”

Mr Carling, who now manages his own management company, later added: “breaking news. iPad is ‘heading’ towards the local Police Station. Feel like a real spy…….

“Just sent the ‘moving’ iPad a message ‘you are very close to the Police Station now….’ would freak you out if you had hold of it….:-).”

To his relief, he then told his followers that he had success. Police had phoned him saying his iPad had been handed in.

It remains unclear if the person who took the iPad was the thief or a good Samaritan who handed it in.

“Result! Police have just called, iPad has been handed over! It was handed into Woking Station. 

Tracked it all on Mobile me – weird / awesome …,” he said.

After turning up at Woking Police station, he was denied a picture with officers but he later posted a photograph of his stolen iPad. He thanked police for their help.

“Rescued iPad! Might check the finger prints on it! Ha ha,” he told his followers.

Mr Carling could not be reached for comment last night. A spokesman for Surrey Police was unavailable for comment. No arrests have been made.


(NB This story could also have been titled ‘iPad left on train – later handed in to police’, but it would have been less dramatic)


What I Learnt On 14th February in other years

14th February 2015 A Valentine’s Day Present
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