May 13 2012

500 steps…..


500 steps ….Straight up Kings Canyon.
Plus a 7 hour drive to Alice.
Brendan, you would have been proud of my 4WD expertise on the dirt back roads – right up to the point where I had to ask the toothless fellow traveller from Toowoomba how to open the fuel tank.

3 Responses to “500 steps…..”

  1. Brendan says:

    Toothless Travellers are always the best source of practical knowledge (except for the name of a good dentist)

  2. Brendan says:

    Toothless Travellers are always the best source of practical knowledge (except for the name of a good dentist)

  3. Rosi Rabbit says:

    Yes, fuel tanks and hire cars are a trap for young players. I usually head straight to the manual so I am not an absolute dufus standing there at the petrol bouzer wondering what to do next….. but I am old school when it comes to tech things.

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