
Once upon a time, each photo you took had to be carefully planned. There was no chance to check if Aunty Rosi had her eyes closed again, or if Will was pulling a face. When the film was full, it was carefully removed from the camera and taken to the chemist. One week later, you could pick them up and see if they turned out.

Even Kodal doesn’t make film anymore. In the age of digital cameras, its shoot first, ask questions later. Increased quantity of photos doesn’t always mean increased quality.

However, for many, photography remains a fine art.

The World Press 2011 Photo exhibition received more than 1000 entries. The judges have selected the best and they are currently on display in the State Library of NSW.


Lifehacker has recently featured a series of articles that will teach you all the skills you need to win World Press 2012.


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My old mate Ron was well into his late 80s. but remained sprightly and full of beans.

He always told me that he attributed his youthfulness to his daily habit of walking twice around the block.

I found out the true story of his activity regime when called upon to do a home visit when he unfortunately became quite ill.

He gave me pernission to take a photo of his secret exercise program.


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“Always clowning around, these frolicsome pets swim, stunt and play games with each other. Because they are so full of tricks, you’ll never tire of watching them”.


Harold von Braunhut was a great inventor, but an even greater copywriter. Who could resist his hypnotic sales pitch?

The stories in Richie Rich comics were good, but we were more fascinated by the advertisements for von Braunhut’s products that featured on the back cover of each issue after 1962. Personal hovercrafts, whoppee cushions, daisy guns, electric hand buzzers, and especially Xray specs and Sea Monkeys. We knew why the lucky guy with the Xray specs was looking at that woman. Of course, they couldn’t really work – or could they? After all, they were from New York, so who knows. Being from such a distant and exotic location, they were completely unobtainable for us in Australia.


The only things we could buy in the Australian comic books (Donald Duck and the Phantom) were 2nd hand stamps from the Seven Sea Stamp Company in Dubbo, which appears to be still in operation.

Eventually Sea Monkeys did become available in Australia. Unfortunately, reality didn’t stand up to epectations. They didn’t look like the mermaid creatures shown as ‘caricatures’ in the ad. Is that them, or is it just dust on top of the water? Is that frolicking , or just brownian motion?

Perhaps it is lucky we had to be satisfied with stamps, rather than be subjected to the full catalogue of von Braunhut’s imagination. He certainly became very wealthy on the back of his salesmanship.

It appears that there was also a darker side to Harold von Braunhut, as outlined in an article this week in The Awl, The Shocking True Tale of the Mad Genius Who Invented Sea Monkeys.

Do you remember any ads from your comic book reading days?

What I Learnt On 30th June in other years

30th June 2012 That's in QueenslandThat’s in Queensland
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Eat Less, Walk More, Don’t Smoke, Drink Less.

General Practitioners spend a lot of time giving excellent advice.

It doesn’t make our job as GPs any easier when the RTA place these large flashing signs on every road into Alstonville.



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According to that famous philosopher, Barbie, “Maths is Hard – Let’s Go Shopping”

For the last few years I have been a confirmed Zazz man. Each day at midnight, Zazz offers one things for sale. It stays on sale for 24hours unless sold out beforehand. You get only one chance.

Zazz mainly offers electronic thingys – where else could you buy coffee warmers that plug into your USB port, or iPhone microscopes, or remote control micro-helicopters, or Roomba robotic vacuums. Over the years we’ve also got Bean Bags, Space Invades Wall Decals, mini light sabers and walkie-talkies. The descriptions of the items are generally the best copy you’ll read all day.

More recently, I’ve been tempted by Catch of the Day, which offers one main catch and a number of little catches. Catch of the Day has a more diverse range of goods which are more mainstream than zazz. The Catches on offer change at midday each day.

Scoopon is a ‘group buying’ subsidiary of Catch of the Day, and offers a special voucher to use at a local service. It may be a heavily discounted meal at a local restaurant, or accommodation, or a massage, or a car wash.

Group buying is relatively new in Australia. It is based on the phenomenally successful American site A bargain is offered for a limited time – but a minimum number of buyers must sign up before the deal is on. In practice, it seems the minimum number is always met. The deals you are offered vary according to the city in which you are located. For some random reason, Groupon thinks I am in St James, Newfoundland. Shakespeare by the Sea in Newfoundland, anyone? I guess at least it gives me more choices than it would if it knew I was in Alstonville.

A syndicate including James Packer scooped up large shares in Catch of the Day and Scoopon last month. Rumours are that there stake valued the company at $200 million. That’s no small fish.

Both Scoopon and Catch of the Day have apps that make it easy to keep up with the latest deal.

My mother in law’s house is a shrine to all things Aldi. Aldi also have an app, which features their weekly specials (which start on Thursdays). I’m into paellas at the moment, and this Thursday they have a cast iron paella pan for $29. Bet I beat you there on Thursday morning.

If you can’t get enough of buying cheap stuff that you don’t really need, you might like to check out, which aggregates all the Australian daily, weekly, group buying and catalogue offers. Somehow I feel it takes away some of the thrill of the hunt, really.

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