
Mar 08 2016

A good egg…

skillshareCan you cook a prefect fried, boiled, poached or scrambled egg?

Or a 45 sec breakfast sandwich egg?

I thought I knew how to cook eggs, but each of these 5 tips in this very short video from Skillshare were new to me

Looks like eggs for breakfast every day this week.

What I Learnt On 8th March in other years

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After this happened and then this surgery, I’m confined to home for a short period of time.

At least I don’t have to go shopping.

Dr Paul says that it is very important in a relationship to spend an occasional day shopping with your wife. Furthermore, if it is to have a positive effect, you must remain engaged in the shopping experience for the whole time. No goofing off playing Candy Crush and checking Foxsports, and shuffling round looking bored.

Have a spoon of cement, man up, and just do it.

Unfortunately, the shopping test is a test in which most men score an epic fail.

miserable_men on Instagram documents  man’s worldwide failure to engage in the shopping experience.

What is the collective term for a group of waiting men?

What I Learnt On 7th March in other years

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Alex thinks that it is too cold today in Uppsala.

Kenny says that there is no word in Swedish for ‘too cold’.

“Det finnis inga dåliga väder, bara dåliga kläder”

There is no bad weather, just bad clothing.

Not “too-cold” but “not-enough-jackets”

Put a coat on, Alex!

What I Learnt On 18th February in other years

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quartzAs of today, there are  84 News apps on the iTunes store.

The one I am enjoying most at the moment is the brand new Quartz app, available free.

Quartz • News in a whole new way

Quartz is remarkably easy to use. No complicated set up, no registration, no preferences.

Fire it up, and you begin to receive chats from what feels like a very informed friend.

Your only options are whether to learn more details about a particular story or to pass to the next one.

Open the app occasionally to see what’s new – just a few stories are available every time, so it takes only a few minutes to become up to date.

Although the app was released this week, Quartz has had a web presence sine 2012.

Quartz is a digitally native news outlet, born in 2012, for business people in the new global economy. We publish bracingly creative and intelligent journalism with a broad worldview, built primarily for the devices closest at hand: tablets and mobile phones.

Give Quartz a whirl and let me know what you think.



What I Learnt On 17th February in other years

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Venus seen from Uralba in January

Hop out of bed before sunrise at 6.30am tomorrow to see all five visible planets together in the morning sky. This ‘alignment of the planets‘ will be visible till the end of February.
The five planets that are visible to the naked eye have been identified since most ancient times Wheres the stars are fixed in their constellations, the planets wander across the night sky. Indeed, the word ‘planet’ is derived from the Ancient Greek ἀστήρ πλανήτης astēr planētēs’ , or wandering star.


The picture above from The Planets Today  shows the position of the planets in their orbits around the sun today. You can see us at 6.10am in Alstonweb as the bright little dot on the Earth. In this diagram, the earth rotates clockwise. Mercury came into view over the horizon at 4.50am. If we look towards the horizon now, we will see Mercury, then Venus, then Saturn, then Mars and Jupiter will be overhead. At 6.30 the sun will be up over the horizon and the planets will be drowned out by its brightness.



The planets align like this about every 12 years, although in the Southern Hemisphere we will get another chance to see the planets align in October this year, this time in the evening sky.

The Star Walk App from the European Space Agency allows you to point your iPhone or iPad at the night sky and it shows you what you are looking at.

The Planets App has information about all the planets

What I Learnt On 16th February in other years

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