
See How to Learn New Stuff Part 1


Can a system help you remember everything you have ever learnt?

In a previous WILT article, we learnt that testing yourself early was the best way to make sure you can recall new information.

But registering information in the library of your mind is only the first part of the story. How can you ensure that you can find that information when you need it – weeks, months or years afterwards? How can you burn it deep into long term memory, and still be able to recall it readily.

In 1885, the German scientist Hermann Ebbinghaus published a monograph called Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology, which included discussion of  ‘the spacing effect’ – it is possible to increase learning by correctly spacing practice sessions.

The best time to revise something is just before you are about to forget it – do it earlier than that and your effort is wasted, do it later than that and you are back to first base.

There is an optimal time period for each person to first revise new learnings (a few days)  and another longer period for a second revision (about a week) and longer again for a third revision (a few weeks) and so on.

Polish Professor Piotr Wozniak has devoted his life to learning in this systematized way,

In 2005 he was featured in a fascinating Wired Magazine article by Gary Wolf.

So, here is the WILT take on how to learn new things – 

1 When first introduced to new information, test your recall immediately and then again some minutes later, as described in our previous discussion. This process will produce a written question and answer – which it is important to keep.

2 Test yourself again on that information 3 days later, which is when you where just about to forget it.(if you can’t remember, relearn it and test again in 3 days. If you can, move to Step 3)

3. Test your recall again 1 week later.(if you can’t remember, relearn it and move back to Step 2. If you can, move to Step 4)

4. Test your recall again 1 month later.(if you can’t remember, learn it and move back to Step 2. If you can, move to Step 5)

5, Test again 3 months later.

How can you keep track of all this?


You could use a Tickler filing system for storing your future revision material in the right place, as described by David Allen in Getting Things Done. Instructions are available free on his web site, and elaborated on at

Or you could use a computer program to keep track of it all.

Professor Wozniak developed software called Supermemo to organize his learning. It has been available for Windows for some years, is now available online, and has recently been adapted for iPhone and iPad.These are the perfect devices for this purpose.

The basic program is free online or a free download from the iTunes store. You can use it to create your own courses, entering questions to test yourself in a number of formats.

You can also purchase language courses, including Chinese which at the moment is available at a half price $12.99. (you can download a demo with some basic courses for free)

Supermemo is a patient teacher. It will ask you the same questions every few days until you know the answer, and then ask you again to check your recall it at extended intervals. It never gets an exasperated look on it’s face the way I do when I’m helping the kids with Math’s homework.

We often think that a genius is born, not created. Not according to Piotr Wozniak. Gary Wolf reports that this is his prescription for becoming a genius.

“His advice was straightforward yet strangely terrible: You must clarify your goals, gain knowledge through spaced repetition, preserve health, work steadily, minimize stress, refuse interruption, and never resist sleep when tired. This should lead to radically improved intelligence and creativity.”

How do you best learn things? Do you have experience with learning systems? Your comments welcome below.

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Mar 23 2011


Last night my flight arrived in Canberra at 11.30pm.

At the hotel, I was told that there were no rooms left.
“Have you got my reservation?”
“Oh yes sir. We have the reservation. We just don’t have the room/”

I felt like Jerry Seinfeld.

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Before there were apps, there were Web Apps.
A WebApp is a website that has been specially designed to be viewed on a mobile device. Before the App Store was created, WebApps were the only way to add new applications to your iPhone or iPod touch. The special WebApp bookmarking technique remains an excellent (but rather forgotten) way to make your favourite websites readily available. You don’t need to go through the iTunes store, and they are free.
To pick an example at random, suppose you want to make the site ‘’ into an app on your iPad.
Here are the steps
1 Open Safari on your iPad.
2 Go to the web page ‘’
3. Tap the share button on the bottom of the screen. (as shown)
4. Select the option ‘Add to Home Page’ 5. Change the name of the bookmark to ‘WILT’, (the new nickname of What I Learnt Today)
6. Click ‘Add
Voila. A new app will have been created called WILT
On the iPad, it will have the appropriate WILT icon.

Unfortunately, on the iPhone the icon will be a yellow box called Posterous.

Here are some other web apps you may like to add to your home screens using the same technique above. “We can’t be out of milk – I just went to the store” The Sydney Morning Herald stripr displays your favorite comics Share notes splax games -try Flick Basketball or Puck Billiards Carbon Footprint Calculator – one for Mike!
And this is a beauty. If necessary, change your location. Then save that page as a WebApp. It will open with the latest information for your local cinemas.

What I Learnt On 22nd March in other years

22nd March 2012 Bach without BiteBach without Bite
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Do you find it hard to keep up with what’s happening in your favourite trouble spot? 

Our copy of the Complete Idiot’s Guide to World Conflicts is now a few years out of date. (I do remember author Stephen Strauss golden rule of African politics – The only thing worse than the African dictator you’ve got now is the one who will replace him). Unfortunately, the book is no longer published.

So today I was glad to learn about ‘MotherJones Explainers’.

MotherJones is an independent, nonprofit, US based magazine, which, according to Wikipedia, is ‘rooted in liberal and progressive political values’.

The magazine was named after Mary Harris Jones, called Mother Jones, an Irish-American trade union activist, opponent of child labor, and self-described “hellraiser.” MotherJones was founded in 1976, and is nicknamed MoJo.

Harvard University has recently reported that MoJo’s web traffic in February has increased by 400%, with 3 million unique visitors in that month. And they attribute much of this increase to the new MoJo explainers.

Explainers is a new type of reporting designed to ‘accommodate disparate levels of reader background knowledge’. Explainers are a collaborative effort to detail and unpack the complexities of the situations in Africa and the Middle East. The ‘explainer’ pages are updated daily as events change, and the magazine responds to issues and questions raised in social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

The Egypt explainer was written by Nick Bauman, and has now set the format. It is structured like this

  • The Basics
  • What’s Happening?
  • Why are Egyptians unhappy?
  • How did this all start?
  • Why is this more complicated for the US than Tunisia was?
  • How do I follow what’s happening in real-time?
  • What’s the latest?

So, if you want to keep up with the Jones’ s on the latest in Libya, or Bahrain, or Egypt, you may like to check out the relevant MoJo explainer.

What I Learnt On 21st March in other years

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Budding Fellinis and Lurhmans out there will know that actors can be just soooo difficult to work with. Not to mention Best Boys and Key Grips.

Xtranormal is a website that provides the actors, cameramen, and crew. 

You select the scenery, choose your actors, provide the script and bingo! Your animated movie is done.

Here is a short movie that Millie wrote and produced today which promotes a popular website.

Thanks to Hamish for the tip about xtranormal. It must be bookmarked in every hospital, as many of the xtranormal movies on YouTube are a sarcastic portrayal of medical craft groups (or patients). This is a well known clip – an overkeen orthopaedic registrar presenting a case to the anaesthetic registrar. (warning : medical humour)

PS If ‘normal’ and ‘ordinary’ have the same meaning, why are extra-normal and extra-ordinary opposites?


What I Learnt On 20th March in other years

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