
Flipboard has become part of my morning routine.

Flipboard bills itself as your personalised ‘social magazine’.

The content of the magazine is determined by you – you decide what to put in each of the Flipboard panels. You can include your favourite web sites (via RSS feeds), the people you follow on twitter, and your facebook page.

The Flipboard interface uses the full potential of the iPad to display the stories in a most engaging way. It really does look spectacular and is a delight to use.

Some publishers – including Lonely Planet, All Things Digital and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition (!) – have produced special Flipboard content that adds more display options. Flipboard also provides some recommended reading panels as default options.

Flipboard was judged by Apple to be the App of 2010. It is a free download from the App Store iPad App Link

What I Learnt On 2nd January in other years

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It is a daily pleasure to see how much detail Jessica Hagy can express about a concept using just a simple diagram

Your face will surely show it.

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What I Learnt On 2nd January in other years

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This week Lifematters interviewed Neil Pasricha’s, bringing his excellent site 1000 Awesome Things to my attention. (somewhat late, it appears)


Awesome thing #341 Saying ‘See you next year!’ to everyone on new year’s eve and then laughing hysterically 

Awesome thing #340 Finding good reading material in someone else’s bathroom


What I Learnt On 1st January in other years

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What I learnt today – a daily collection of ideas from round the web.

Word of the Day – Kaizen – the Japanese concept of ‘falling forwards’, of continuous improvement.


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