
Sep 07 2011

End Malaria Day


We’ve mentioned Seth Godin’s Domino Project previously, and have taken the opportunity to get some cheap ebooks, including the occasional free one.

Their new title isn’t free – in fact, it costs double the normal amount.

However, Seth hopes it will sell in enormous numbers. He hopes you’ll buy it even though you already have a number of books you haven’t got round to reading yet.

Not just because of the quality of the essays – 62 business authors have contributed – but because the entire $20 goes to Malaria No More.

The book is launched today, which is End Malaria Day

I’m in.

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How’d you sleep last night.

Not bad, good, terrible?

All a bit vague – what you need is a scientific way to answer the question accurately.
You need a Zeo Sleep Coach

The Zeo Sleep Coach is a mini-EEG machine that sits on your bedside table. You wear a comfortable headband, and it records your brainwave patterns overnight.

In the morning you can see how long you were awake, how long you were in light sleep, and what percentage of time you hit the desired deep sleep. You can also find out your ZQ score, which measures sleep quality.

Do some experiments. How many glasses of wine give you the best sleep? What time should you go to bed.? Exercise before sleep? Reading?

The Zeo can also wake you at the optimal time each morning, rather than doing what my alarm clock does, which is waiting till I am in the middle of the deepest sleep of the night to wake me up.

Did you have a good night’s sleep? Yep, a ripper. ZQ Score 90.

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Although Mother’s Day has been celebrated in the USA since 1870, it was not until 1910 that a special day was suggested to acknowledge the contribution of Fathers.

Mother’s Day was so popular that it was proclaimed an official public holiday by Woodrow Wilson in 1914. He was also keen to proclaim a holiday for Father’s Day, but the wise congressmen were concerned it would become too commercialised! Anyway, they already had breakfast in bed everyday.

It wasn’t until 1972 that Richard Nixon enshrined Father’s Day in law, officially designating that the 3rd Sunday in June be a national holiday. Greeting Card Companies around the country rejoiced!

In Australia, PNG, New Zealand and Fiji, Father’s Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in September. The reason this particular date was chosen remains shrouded in the mists of history.

There is no official Children’s Day because “every day is Children’s Day” (from the book of Standard Mother Sayings)

The traditional Father’s Day presents are socks, jocks and ties. Sporting books are also very popular. (“Max Walker Feeds the Chooks” is up to Volume 37) These presents are often accompanied by heartfelt handmade ‘vouchers’ which entitle the beloved dad to have a number of odd jobs done around the house by his doting children, such as having the car cleaned or the lawn mowed. Unfortunately, there are no recorded occasions on which any of these vouchers have ever being successfully redeemed.

Red Balloon suggests some less traditional presents

Perhaps you have spent today putting a V8 Supercar through it’s paces, or skippered a Tall Ship on Sydney Harbour. Did you learn to fly a helicopter? Perhaps you took a ‘Beef and Beer’ Course or a ‘Barista’ workshop? Maybe all at once – now that would be cool. throw in a free pair of undies with every adventure they sell – probably just as well. Tandem skydiving, anyone? or a swim with the sharks?

For me, I’m very happy with the new ‘Wallaby Rugby Challenge’ PS3 game that I was given by Will and Oddie. I might even get to have a turn before next Father’s Day.

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“Don”t worry, be happy”, sings the fish.
The ultimate low maintenace pet – the pet rock.
Everyone has a story, and everyone has on eidea that could make a fortune.
How Stuff Works” this week listed 5 weird ideas that made millions.
Surely you can do better than that?…

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The Tennants of Scripture

According to Cracked Magzine,

Everyone spells words wrong or screws up their grammar from time to time, and when you suggest a perfectly reasonable solution like prison, or the electric chair, suddenly you are a “grammar Nazi” who makes a fuss over “technicalities” when everyone knows damn well what they meant to say.

Are you phased by the hoard who believe people should have free reign over what they write, even if it doesn’t conform with the tennants of good grammer. Cracked has searched through the arch of the cannon of literature to unearth discreet examples of bonafied incorrect useage. 

Check out

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