
Mar 23 2011


Last night my flight arrived in Canberra at 11.30pm.

At the hotel, I was told that there were no rooms left.
“Have you got my reservation?”
“Oh yes sir. We have the reservation. We just don’t have the room/”

I felt like Jerry Seinfeld.

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Budding Fellinis and Lurhmans out there will know that actors can be just soooo difficult to work with. Not to mention Best Boys and Key Grips.

Xtranormal is a website that provides the actors, cameramen, and crew. 

You select the scenery, choose your actors, provide the script and bingo! Your animated movie is done.

Here is a short movie that Millie wrote and produced today which promotes a popular website.

Thanks to Hamish for the tip about xtranormal. It must be bookmarked in every hospital, as many of the xtranormal movies on YouTube are a sarcastic portrayal of medical craft groups (or patients). This is a well known clip – an overkeen orthopaedic registrar presenting a case to the anaesthetic registrar. (warning : medical humour)

PS If ‘normal’ and ‘ordinary’ have the same meaning, why are extra-normal and extra-ordinary opposites?


What I Learnt On 20th March in other years

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In all likelihood, you will have seen the Old Spice Guy ad. Some of you may have studied It in some detail. Isaiah Mustafa has it all – romance, diamonds, yachts, horse-riding on the beach, muscles. If your man can’t look like him, at least he could smell like him if he stopped using those lady-scented body washes.

Here’s a reminder;

But did it work – did it sell more Old Spice? And has the company followed up on all the attention?


What I Learnt On 10th March in other years

10th March 2016 Book Club Cheat SheetBook Club Cheat Sheet
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Will’s favourite YouTube clip.

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Good luck today, Alex.
Thanks to Fitzgeralds for the link.

What I Learnt On 24th February in other years

24th February 2012 Julia - The SportswomanJulia – The Sportswoman
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